Friday, August 22, 2008


All to often people are celebrated after they pass away. That was not the case on August 20 2008 when family and friends gathered to celebrate Dorothy Canon's 70th birthday. Dorothy was lead to a auditorium thinking that she was going to speak about breast cancer to a group of people. She had no idea that loved ones were waiting to give her the surprise of her life. As a photographer, I attend a lot of award ceremonies, presentations, and parties but this was truly a CELEBRATION in every sense of the word. After getting over the initial shock, Dorothy made the rounds, to all the tables and thanked all of the 150+ in attendance stopping only twice when she was overwhelmed by her emotions and the love that filled the hall. Although I was there to document the event. I could feel the genuine admiration and love that everyone felt for her. She was showered with songs, praise and gifts. As a result the evening caused me to pause & re-think some things... We all should be so fortunate!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT DOT!!! (Yes I have been adopted)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

"My Top Model"

I had a client cancel today so I hung out with my grand daughter, a self proclaimed princess & "up and coming model". She's has brains, beauty, and as you can see she is a real cut up! These are a few of the pics I took of her as we enjoyed our day...
Sometimes things work out for the best!